
Academic Advising.

I am officially scared shitless for not just the next 2 years of my life, but the next 7 or so. I knew that this is what I wanted from the start. The last thing that I am is a quitter. I will prevail and I will get what I want and came here to do. I just didn't realize what that meant. I'm glad I know though. Asking questions and putting yourself out there is the only way to succeed. How can you expect to be put up on that pedestal if no one even knows who you are, or can't even recognize your face. I can do this, I just can't psych myself out not to. And I have to be sure this is what I want.

I can't believe it's mid-november. I can't believe how long it's been since you've crossed my mind. I don't want to believe that our paths won't cross again. But that's just such a likely option. And one that I hate. So many people have walked in and out of my life. I hate to watch it happen. I don't want to let anyone go. Especially not you. I knew it was right to push you away and I'd like for you to come back if you promise not to take a chokehold on my life again. I think I just really need proof that you're as genuine as you made yourself out to be. As sincere as I let myself believe. Something tells me that I'm false in my assumptions. But I can never tell with you..

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