
Just overwhelm me.

It's time to start again. At least, I fucking hope so. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? I hope I didn't fuck mine up. And I wonder how many I still have left to give. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice..

I am so damn frustrated with you. I'm not sure what you want me to do. All those promises about this being different, about this year being change. I don't know why I was deluded into believing you. I'm still struggling to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you're making it very very difficult for me. I wonder what would happen if you knew how much you hurt me. I wish you would just admit that your care for me is only fractional to mine for you.

I still have so much to get through. This fight isn't over yet. I don't think sleep is going to be a legitimate option this week. I have yet so much to do. And not enough time to do it. As per usual.

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