

"so caught up in ourselves, we take when we should give."

Today is thanksgiving. So I'm going to do just that. No matter how lame it comes out, the thanks that need to be given have been long deserved. 

I am thankful for my family. Who in their own strange asian ways are the most supportive they know how to be. For Amanda, Titzy and Karina because they save my sanity over and over again when I'm literally hanging on the edge. I'm thankful for all the friends at home. Most of them have been my comfort and support for years now, and they still put up with my craziness and ridiculous ways. For everyone at Mac because they've given me a home away from home. Especially thankful for 108 Barclay, Chris and Pat. And obviously, him. I have never been so lucky to have anyone in my life as awesome as he is. No one else is careful and mindful of me the way he is. Especially because most of the time I don't even deserve it. 

I'm thankful for stupid things that no one ever thinks about. The roof over my head, the clothes on my back, the education I'm allowed to have. 

I'm even thankful for my demons. Because without them, I would never be able to grow to be stronger. Especially one in particular. I'm thankful for you. You have both brightened my life and made it hell, but in the end I learned a lot about myself that I don't think I would have any other way. And you still cling to my head and claw at my thoughts, but I will let you go. I'm sure of it. 

"It's up to us to be the change. And even though we all can still do more. There's so much to be thankful for."

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