
let me down.

time and time again. I'm just happy to know that it's not just me. I think. I don't know why I let myself hold my expectations so damn high. I don't know why I put myself out there only to get put down over and over. But time and time again it happens. and time and time again I allow it to. I'm not the type of girl who learns from my mistakes. I'm the type of girl who makes them over and over again. The same ones, too. I like to give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't dole out second chances. I give fifth, sixth, tenth chances. So maybe I'm the selfish one. Trying to hoard all of your good intentions. But whatever, I'm okay with that. And if being selfish means that I want a little bit of your time, so be it. It's because you keep giving me reason to want it. And so I'll continue to put myself out there on a regular basis so long as you give me reason to. Even if it's a mistake. Even if the only person who gets let down in the end is me. I need this as much as you used to claim you did.

on a completely unrelated note, I am disgustingly obsessed with GLEE. this was a very inappropriate time to get addicted to a TV show..

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